How Might We...
This may sound like a random page title for a website, but ‘How Might We’ is actually our whole ethos here at The Innovate Crowd. It’s how we approach all opportunities, and it’s how we approach all challenges. We ask that same question at every turn…
  • How Might We… Collaborate and Perform?

    With virtual, remote and hybrid teams now the new normal, having been forced to work this way, we need to look closely at what’s working really well – as well as what isn’t – to ensure there really is a connection between all your people and processes. It’s only through a safe, inclusive and innovative culture that collaboration actually works and we’ll soon be able to witness effective performance and start seeing the benefits it brings. We’ll help you build and sustain the culture required for collaboration and innovation to thrive in your organisation.

  • How Might We… Create and Innovate?

    Having everyone around a big table in the same room is great when brainstorming ideas, to create new things and innovate existing thought processes. We have to face facts that we may not have those face-to-face opportunities for some time to come. Can we help with that? we certainly will. We can work with you to unlock creativity in a (still) pretty much locked-down world. We’ll help you bring together your people, so they can bring together the ideas.

  • How Might We… Adapt and Change?

    Right now, Covid-19 has changed everything - the way business is done and teams are run will probably never go back to how it was ‘before all this’. This creates challenges and opportunities, so we’ll work with you to have a rethink of your models and processes, so that you’re equipped to deal with every single one of them. Let’s help you guide your people through the change and adapt to the new business operations they’re coming back to

  • How Might We… Lead and Sustain?

    We exist because we were tired of short-term fixes and ‘in-the-minute’ motivations offered by other ventures who claimed to help businesses. We’re not here to scratch the surface – we’re here to cement your sustainability. We’ll work with you to look at influential leadership that turns you safely away from the ‘tried and tested’. You want to innovate and to lead – and we’ll help you do it.

These are all our podcasts